For Family. For Friends. For Kent. Surrey. Sussex. For Life

Help us buy it for life

Our air ambulance is a genuine lifeline. But until now, we’ve only leased the aircraft that our service depends on. Now, we have a time-limited opportunity to buy it. Owning this lifesaving helicopter will allow us more hours in the air every day. That means more lives saved. 


Saving lives when every second counts

Help us buy our air ambulance

For family. For friends. For life.

Give to our helicopter appeal

*If we exceed our target for this appeal or there is an unexpected change in circumstances, donations will be allocated to our Helicopter and Vehicle fund

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There’s no time to lose.
Help us raise the final £1 million to buy our air ambulance?

Limited opportunity to DOUBLE your donation
at no cost to you!

Limited opportunity to
your donation at no cost to you!